Community Groups
At Missio Dei, we believe the Christian faith is necessarily lived out in community beyond just the Sunday morning gathering. To help foster this, we have a number of Community Groups that meet regularly to provide a place to build relationships, do life together, and care and pray for each other. Locations may vary, so please contact the designated person to check.
Monday Night Gathering
Each Monday night we meet to grow and get to know one another and the Lord together. We do this differently every week. Sometimes it is just prayer, sometimes worship, sometimes teaching, or just sharing what’s going on in our life. It also can be a mix of everything. It’s based on the idea of a feast; everyone brings something to share so we can eat together. This happens with food every Monday night, but the hope is that this happens spiritually as well and that we share how God has been meeting us and we have been meeting him in our lives. Any age is welcome we're just excited to meet you and the Lord together.
Usually in Westbrook.
Contact: Dan Andreasen
Usually in Westbrook.
Contact: Dan Andreasen
Sunday After the Gathering with the Tedders, Croteaus & Wentzes
You are invited for a meal and conversation the first and third Sundays of the month. A main dish will be provided, please bring a side dish or dessert to share. Meeting from 12:30 to 2:30, but you are welcome to head over immediately after gathered worship if you like. Kids are welcome.
Usually in Portland or South Portland.
Contact: Gwen Tedder
Usually in Portland or South Portland.
Contact: Gwen Tedder
Outdoor Community Group
Weather permitting, some Sunday afternoons and federal holidays are spent adventuring through God's creation! Past activities involve hiking at Bradbury Mountain State Park, biking the Eastern Trail, picnics at the Audobon Center, and raking leaves!
Usually in Southern Maine.
Contact: Joe Sastic
Usually in Southern Maine.
Contact: Joe Sastic