Sunday Teams
A significant aspect of God's Kingdom is often called the "upside-down" aspect. What this means is that when a person comes to faith in Jesus, their world and values get turned upside down. In short, humble service is what characterized the life and ministry of Jesus. The following service opportunities provide you a place to give back to the body of Christ in much needed and practical ways. It is our passion for person who joins MDC to find a place to give back to the body!
Please fill out the contact form below if you're interested in getting involved. Thanks again for your willingness to help out!
Please fill out the contact form below if you're interested in getting involved. Thanks again for your willingness to help out!
Set-Up and Welcome Team
Creating space for worship is just as important as leading worship. This is a vital ministry very much connected to the Gospel. Like those disciples that the Lord sent to prepare the Passover meal and room, we too have servants who go ahead of MDC and prepare space to meet with Jesus. They also provide visitors with the information and reassurance they need to enter MDC and know what to expect, where to expect it, and how to participate. It is an important function in making our worship service a success and something that we desire to take seriously. Our passion is to welcome seekers and skeptics alike, thus providing them with an experience of God's love before they hear about God's love!
Every Sunday we have a ministry program for Pre-K through 5th Grade held before the service as well as a Nursery for babies and toddlers during the service. If you have an interest in serving with this ministry with teaching, helping, or filling in now and then we would love for you to join. Please note that this ministry requires a background check.
Youth Group (Middle School/High School)
We are currently in the process of revamping our Youth Group. We are looking for leaders who willing to make a personal commitment to these young people in an effort to befriend, mentor, and encourage them along in their journey through life. We believe that it is vital for adults, who are not the child’s parents, to come alongside of young people to help them grow into healthy well-adjusted adults who are rooted in God and His love for them.
There is a small but dedicated team of volunteers who task themselves with beautifying our humble space for various seasons and holidays.
Audio Visual Team
Each week there are people on the setup team whose primary task is to ensure that the sound and projector equipment is set up and working properly. There is a laptop, soundboard, wires, microphones, and speakers. If black boxes that plugin, make sounds and light up are your bag, please let us know!
Worship Team
Joining together in corporate worship is an integral part of our weekly services. Through the songs we choose and the music we play, our worship team strives to facilitate meaningful connection between the congregation, the sermon, and whatever God might be doing in someone's heart. If you play an instrument or sing, we would love to chat!
What are you interested in? Let us know!