I Am New!

Next Steps

There is no one way to get involved in a church. As we see it here at Missio Dei, there are multiple entry points for people to get involved. In reality, it depends on who you are, what you need, and what drives your personality. For some, information is essential. For others, getting connected relationally is the priority. Others prefer a more formal process. The following Next Steps process provides the basic inroads into MDC. You can enter at any point. Jump in today!


The Missio Dei Church App is our own social networking hub. It is where all of the internal communication takes place among members and where the majority of information is disseminated about events and gathering points. If you are on the app, then you will know what is going on!
Get on the app by scanning or clicking the following links, searching "Missio Dei Church Portland" in the Google Play Store or the Apple Store, or by stopping by the welcome table on Sunday morning!


Our event calendar is up to date with all of the goings-on at MDC!  Whether you're looking to dive in or just dip your toe in the water, there is plenty going on that might be of interest.  You can also email admin@mdchurch.org for more information about a particular activity.


Community is vital to the life and health of every church. It is vital because it is not just the context for growth, but also the conduit. Relationships are central to learning and experiencing God. Getting plugged into the body of Christ is therefore essential to experiencing God. After all, the spiritual journey is no consumer venture. Love means giving! You can visit a group by checking out the Community Groups page and contacting the leader or by visiting the welcome table on Sunday morning after church to meet one of the leaders.


The MDC Membership Class focuses on how we as a church are seeking to implement the story of God here in Portland Maine. It is here that we discuss some of our distinctive cultural values, our vision statement, and generally what makes our community unique among the various churches you could connect with in the Portland area. We also cover our specific theology and doctrine, as well as the role that beliefs and doctrine should play in the life of a Christian and what our expectations are of those who become committed members of our body. If you are unfamiliar with our church and our core beliefs about Jesus, or even if you have been around for a while, this is a good place to start. Participating in this class will give you a strong sense of who we are, as well as a chance to get to know other people on the same journey. We hope that they provide time to discern how MDC could be part of your journey of faith and belief. You are welcome to attend and participate, even if you are unsure about becoming a member.

The MDC Membership Class is offered 2 times a year, once in the Fall and once in the Spring. If you have any questions about the content of this class, or would like to know when they will be offered next, please contact our administrator.