New Sermon Series: Parables of Jesus
Every season between Christmas (Jesus' incarnation/birth) and Easter (Jesus' death and resurrection), I like to spend time preaching from one of the Gospel accounts of Jesus' life and ministry. This year, I'm very excited to share that we will be following the parables of Jesus, specifically according to the gospel of Luke. Luke includes some of the more famous parables, such as the Good Samaritan and the Prodigal Son, that aren’t captured in the other gospels. The parables are a recurring aspect of Christ’s teaching that engage the imagination, and that can also deeply challenge, provoke, encourage and comfort. My prayer for these next few months together is that God would use these short stories and images to fire up our imagination as a community, to see and hear new and surprising ways the Kingdom is growing among us, to challenge us where we need to be challenged, and to deepen our desire for God's will to be done in and through us.
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